Module 2

Module 2 - Financial Management and Planning, and the Future of Work.

In this module, we have two Goals.  The first goal is to understand how Financial Management and Planning fit within the broader Management functions, as discussed in Chapter 2.  The second is to consider how the changes in the future Workplace will that will affect your future.

Goal 1 - Understand how Financial Management and Planning fit within the broader Management functions

Things to Absorb –  In Chapter 2, focus on the functions of a managers, the planning process, strengths and weaknesses of the four main business forms used by smaller firms, financial goals of the for-profit organization, steps in starting a new business including the components of a Business Plan, and financing a new business. 

Things to Read and Watch - You will need to read Chapter 2.

Things to Do – 

Goal 2 - Consider the Future of Work and how this impacts You

Things to Absorb - Understand how the discussed changes in the future Workplace will affect your future.

Things to Read -  No assigned reading, but you will need to watch the three videos on the future of work.

Things to Do -


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